The services we provide are:
Respiratory function laboratory
- Full Spirometry (adult - children's program)
- Diffusing capacity (DLCO)
- Blood gases
- Rating power respiratory muscle PI max - PE max
- Pulmonary airway resistance.
Bronchial asthma Laboratory
- Allergy test (skin prick test)
- Measurement of exhaled NO
Test sleep laboratory
- Nocturnal oximetry
Stop smoking
Psychoupostirixi chronic lung disease
- recovery program
Check athletes
Laboratory Tests :
1. Operational breath control:
Simple spirometry after bronchodilation
flow curve - volume
Static - Dynamic volumes
resistors airways
Lung diffusing capacity
2. Oximetry
3. Measurement of arterial blood gas.
4. Control allergy (allergic skin test, immunoglobulin E RAST test), after consulting both.
5. Check respiratory muscle function.